Join us to discuss practical case-studies on how HR can drive the digital transformation and adaptation of financial institutions by the hand of key HR stakeholders from some of the top European enterprises in the sector.
What is the future of employees in the financial industry? What is the role of HR in future-proofing financial organizations for the ongoing digital transformation?
Modern financial institutions rely more and more on IT Talent. This means that they are competing with start-ups and large, established multinationals from different sectors to attract and retain technical talent.
HR departments can play a vital role in ensuring that banks and insurance corporations attract top-level expertise, and in securing internal training pathways to safeguard the critical digital competencies that are necessary for the modern economy.
Among the challenges that HR departments of financial institutions are:
- Competition for top talent and future skills
- Talent retention
- Ensuring employee’s trust during restructuring
- Transformation into an agile company culture
Let’s discuss together the tools and successful projects in facing and solving problems in these areas.
W razie pytań technicznych (rejestracja, dostęp, itp.) prosimy o kontakt: sylwia.sobczyk-jarzycka@lhh.com
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Zasady dotyczące zapisów:
- O możliwości wejścia na wydarzenie decyduje kolejność zapisów.
- Powodem odmowy udziału w wydarzeniu może być brak miejsc, zbyt duża liczba zapisanych z danej firmy, lub prowadzenie przez osobę rejestrującą się działalności konkurencyjnej wobec LHH Polska.